Thursday, September 9, 2010

System Back Up and Running!!!

So I went on a Hiatus for almost 6 months... I not only had to deal with my own demons and problems but I had to deal with Lebron going through his act and the rumors and the humiliation that led this Cleveland Cavalier to have an early summer and go FISHING... because of that i didnt care about updating you guys on the latest sneakers and the latest pics of Team FSA...or of the Starr... YEAH YEAH YEAH i was bias and blogged 85% about Lebron and the CAVS.... Well now its different and back and ready to appeal to the masses...

The Blog will be better than ever....with Celebrity as well as Non Celebrity Sneakers sightings .. constant updates and new virals of TEAM FSA and the STARR himself...
Here is something to get you guys back into the flow of things

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